Thursday, May 28, 2009

US Embassy in Tanzania

The visit to the US Embassy was quite interesting. As you might imagine, the security is quite high. I wanted to take a picture of it but there are soldiers all around – even on the street. Pictures are banned. I would have especially liked to take a picture of the street sign with a silhouette of a camera and a NOT symbol over it. It would have been the ultimate Kodak moment.

To get in, I first signed in. Then they contacted the person I was meeting. After a while I was allowed through an airport type security. Then they took all my bags and my cell phones and took possession of them, checking them in. I was allowed to put my sport coat back on and take a pad and pen. Then to the next security checkpoint farther inside: this was airport plus with a full wand down. Oops, I had a camera in sport coat pocket. Not allowed.

When Mr. Fred Maeda came out to meet me, I asked if he might clear my lap top so that I could show my presentation. He explained that if I could arrange for the proper approvals, it would take more than a day for it to go through all the security checks. So, no.

After all this rigmarole, I did have a very good meeting. Fred Maeda and his boss, Carl Fox both joined me. Fred is a knowledgeable Tanzanian that had many connections. I expect many of them will be quite helpful.

Here is his picture. In order to get it, we had to leave the compound and walk down the street. He was kind enough to humor me on this.

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